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I. Executive Summary
II. Profile of the Institution
III. Extended Profile of the Institution
I. Student
1.1 Number of Students on roll year-wise during the last five years
1.1.1 Data as per Data Template
1.1.2 Admission details submitted to the state/university authority year-wise during the last five years
1.2. Number of seats sanctioned year-wise during the last five years
1.2.1 Data as per Data Template
1.2.2 Letter from the authority (NCTE/University/RCI) indicating the sanctioned seats for each programme
1.3. Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt. rules year-wise during the last five years
1.3.1 Data as per Data Template
1.3.2. Central/State Govt. reservation policy for admission of students
1.4. Number of outgoing/final year students who appeared for final examination year-wise during the last five years
1.4.1 Data as per Data Template
1.4.2 List of final year students with seal and signature of the Principal
1.5 Number of graduating students year-wise during last five years
1.5.1 Data as per Data Template
1.5.2 Result sheet of the graduating students issued by the university year-wise during the last five years with seal and signature of the Principal
1.6 Number of students enrolled year-wise during the last five years
1.6.1 Data as per Data Template
1.6.2 Enrollment Details submitted to the State/University authority year-wise during the last five years
II. Teacher
2.1 Number of full time teachers year wise
2.1.1 Data as per Data Template
2.1.2 Copy of the appointment letters
2.2 Number of sanctioned posts year wise
2.2.1 Govt letter with respect to the sanction of posts
III. Institution
3.1 Total Expenditure excluding salary year wise
3.1.1 Income Expenditure
3.2 Number of Computers in the Institution for the academic purposes
3.2.1 Invoice bills for purchase of computers
IV. Quality Indicator Framework (QIF)
Criteria I – Curricular Aspects
1.1. Curriculum Planning
Metric 1.1.1
❖ Details of Procedure adopted, Communications of decisions, Kinds of issues discussed
❖ Plan developed for the last completed academic year
❖ Plans for mid-course correction wherever needed for last completed academic year
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 1.1.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ List of persons who participated in the process of in-house curriculum planning
❖ Meeting notice and minutes of the meeting for in-house curriculum planning
❖ A copy of the programme of action for in-house curriculum planned and adopted during the last completed AY
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 1.1.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Prospectus for the last completed academic year
❖ Report and photographs with caption and date of student induction programmes
❖ Report and photographs with caption and date of teacher orientation programmes
❖ Any other relevant information
1.2. Academic Flexibility
Metric 1.2.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Circular/document of the University showing duly approved list of optional /electives/pedagogy courses in the curriculum
❖ Academic calendar showing time allotted for optional/electives/pedagogy courses
Metric 1.2.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Brochure and Course content along with CLOs of value-added courses
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 1.2.3
❖ List of the students enrolled in the value-added course as defined in 1.2.2
❖ Course Completion Certificates
Metric 1.2.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documents showing teachers’ mentoring
❖ Relevant documents highlighting the institutional facilities provided to the students to avail of self-study courses as per the Data Template
Metric 1.2.5
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Certificates evidences
1.3. Curriculum Enrichment
Metric 1.3.1
❖ Documentary evidence supports the claim
❖ List of activities conducted in support of each of the above
❖ Photographs indicating the participation of students, if any
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 1.3.2
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
Metric 1.3.3
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
1.4. Feedback System
Metric 1.4.1
❖ Sample filled-in feedback forms of the stakeholders
Metric 1.4.2
❖ Stakeholder feedback analysis report with seal and signature of the Principal
Criteria II – Teaching-Learning and Evaluation.
2.1. Student Enrollment Profile
Metric 2.1.1
❖ Data as per data Template
❖ Approval letter of NCTE for intake for all programs
❖ Approved admission list year-wise/ program-wise
Metric 2.1.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Copy of letter issued by State Govt. or Central Govt. indicating the reserved categories (Provide English version)
❖ Final admission list published by the HEI
❖ Admission extract submitted to the state/university authority about admissions of SC, ST, and OBC students every year
Metric 2.1.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
2.2. Honoring Student Diversity
Metric 2.2.1
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Documents showing the performance of students at the entry level
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.2.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Relevant documents highlighting the activities to address the student diversities
❖ Reports with seal and signature of Principal
❖ Photographs with Caption
Metric 2.2.3
❖ Reports with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Photographs with Caption
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.2.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Relevant documents of mentor-mentee activities with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
2.3. Teaching-Learning Process
Metric 2.3.1
❖ Course-wise details of modes of teaching-learning adopted during last completed academic year in each programme
Metric 2.3.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
Metric 2.3.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Programme-wise list of students using ICT support
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Landing page of the Gateway to the LMS used
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.3.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Lesson plan /activity plan/activity report to substantiate the use of ICT by students in various learning situations
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.3.5
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.3.6
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documentary Evidence in support of the selected response/s
❖ Reports of activities conducted related to recent developments in education with video graphic support
Metric 2.3.7
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
2.4. Competency and Skill Development
Metric 2.4.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documentary Evidence in Support of the Selected response/s
❖ Reports of activities with video graphic support wherever possible
Metric 2.4.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Reports and photographs/videos of the activities
❖ Documentary evidence in support of each selected activity
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.3
❖ https://ymcacollege.ac.in/web/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/
❖ Details of the activities carried out during the last completed academic year in respect of each response indicated
Metric 2.4.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documents showing the different activities for evolving indicated assessment tools
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.5
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documentary evidence in support of each response selected
❖ Sample evidence showing the tasks carried out for each of the selected response
Metric 2.4.6
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documentary evidence showing the activities carried out for each of the selected response
❖ Report of the events organized
❖ Photographs with caption and date wherever possible
Metric 2.4.7
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Samples of assessed assignments for theory courses of different programmes
Metric 2.4.8
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.9
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Internship certificates for students from different host schools
❖ Copy of the schedule of work of internees in each school
❖ Plan of teacher engagement in school internship
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.10
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Sample copies for each of the selected activities claimed
❖ School-wise internship reports showing student engagement in activities claimed
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.11
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the response
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.12
❖ Assessment criteria adopted by each of the selected persons(For Bachelor and PG Programmes as applicable)
❖ Two filled-in sample observation formats for each of the claimed assessors
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.4.13
❖ Five filled in formats for each
❖ Format for criteria and weightages
2.5. Teacher Profile and Quality
Metric 2.5.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Sanction letters indicating the number of posts (including management-sanctioned posts) with seal and signature of the principal
Metric 2.5.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Certificates of Doctoral Degree (Ph.D)of the faculty
Metric 2.5.3
Copy of the appointment letters of the full-time teachers
Metric 2.5.4
❖ Documentary evidence to support the claim
2.6. Evaluation Process
Metric 2.6.1
❖ Relevant documents related to the Internal Evaluation System at the institution level with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.6.2
❖ Copy of university regulation on internal evaluation for teacher education
❖ Annual Institutional plan of action for internal evaluation
❖ Documentary evidence for remedial support provided
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.6.3
❖ Documentary Evidence for remedial support provided
Metric 2.6.4
❖ Academic calendar of the Institution with seal and signature of the Principal
2.7. Student Performance and Learning Outcomes
Metric 2.7.1
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.7.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Result sheet for each year received from the Affiliating University
❖ Certified report from the Head of the Institution indicating a pass
Metric 2.7.3
❖ Documentary evidence showing the performance of students on various internal assessment tasks and the LOs achieved.
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.7.4
❖ Data as per the Data template
❖ Record of student-wise/programme-wise/ semester-wise internal assessment of students during the last completed academic year
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 2.7.5
❖ Documentary evidence in respect to the claim
2.8. Students’ Satisfaction Survey
Metric 2.8.1
Data as per Data Template
Criteria III – Research and Outreach Activities
3.1. Resource Mobilization for Research
Metric 3.1.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
Metric 3.1.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documentary evidence for each of the claims
❖ Any other relevant information
3.2. Research Publications
Metric 3.2.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ First page of the article/journal with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ E-copies of the outer jacket/contents page of the journals in which articles are published
Metric 3.2.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ First page of the published book/chapter with seal and signature of the Principal
3.3. Outreach Activities
Metric 3.3.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Report of each outreach activity organized along with video/ photographs with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 3.3.2
❖ Event-wise newspaper clippings / videos / photographs with captions and dates
❖ Report of each outreach activity with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 3.3.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim along with photographs with caption and date
Metric 3.3.4
❖ Any other relevant information
❖Relevant documentary evidence
❖ Report of each outreach activity signed by the Principal
Metric 3.3.5
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Appropriate certificates from the awarding agency
3.4. Collaboration and Linkages
Metric 3.4.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Report of each linkage along with videos/photographs
Metric 3.4.2
❖Copies of the MoU’s
❖ Data as per Data Template
Metric 3.4.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Report of each activity with seal and signature of the Principal
Criteria IV – Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1. Physical Facilities
Metric 4.1.1
❖ List of physical facilities available for teaching learning
❖ Geo-tagged photographs
Metric 4.1.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Geo-tagged photographs
❖ Link to the relevant page of Institutional website
Metric 4.1.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Income Expenditure statements highlighting the expenditure on infrastructure augmentation with seal and signature of CA and the Principal
4.2. Library as a Learning Resource
Metric 4.2.1
❖ Any other relevant information
❖ Bill for augmentation of library
Metric 4.2.2
❖ Landing page of the remote access webpage
❖ Details of users and details of visits/downloads
Metric 4.2.3
❖ Data as per the Data template
❖ Receipts of subscription/membership to e-resources
❖ E-copy of the letter of subscription /membership in the name of the institution
Metric 4.2.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Income Expenditure statements highlighting the expenditure on the purchase of books, journals, and e-resources with seal and signature of both the Principal and Chartered Accountant
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 4.2.5
❖ Document showing the number of teachers and students using library/e-library per working day/logins in remote access for 10 days each for five months during the last completed academic year with seal and signature of both the librarian and principal
❖Any other relevant information
Metric 4.2.6
❖ Data as per Data Template
4.3. ICT Infrastructure
Metric 4.3.1
❖ Document related to date of implementation and updation, receipt for updating the Wi-Fi
Metric 4.3.2
❖ Data as per the data template
❖ Purchase receipts and relevant pages of the Stock Register with seal and signature of the principal
Metric 4.3.3
❖ Bill for any one month during the last completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed, and bandwidth
❖ Receipt for connection indicating
Metric 4.3.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
4.4. Maintenance of Campus and Infrastructure
Metric 4.4.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Income Expenditure statements highlighting relevant items with seal and signature of the Principal and Chartered Accountant
Metric 4.4.2
❖ List of Physical Facilities available
Criteria V – Student Support and Progression
5.1. Student Support
Metric 5.1.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Report on each capability building and skill enhancement initiative adopted with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Photographs with date and caption for each initiative
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 5.1.2
❖ Geo-tagged photographs
Metric 5.1.3
❖ Data as per Data Template for the applicable options
❖ Any other relevant information
❖ Composition of the student grievance redressal committee including sexual harassment and ragging
❖ Institutional guidelines
❖ Samples of grievance submitted
Metric 5.1.4
❖ Data as per the Data template
❖ Report of the Placement Cell
5.2. Student progression
Metric 5.2.1
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Annual reports of Placement Cell for five years
❖ Appointment letters of 10% of graduates for each year
Metric 5.2.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Details of graduating students and their progression to higher education with seal and signature of the principal
❖ Documentary evidence in support
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 5.2.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Copy of certificates for qualifying in the state/national examination
5.3. Student Participation in Activities
Metric 5.3.1
❖ Any other relevant
❖ Copy of constitution of student
❖ Documentary evidence
❖ List of students represented on different bodies of the Institution signed by the Principal
Metric 5.3.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Reports of the events along with the photographs with captions and dates
❖ Copy of circular / brochure indicating such kind of events
5.4. Alumni Engagement
Metric 5.4.1
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 5.4.2
❖ Report of alumni participation in institutional functioning for the last completed academic year
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 5.4.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
Metric 5.4.4
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant info
Criteria VI – Governance, Leadership and Management
6.1. Institutional Vision and Leadership
Metric 6.1.1
❖ Vision and Mission statements of the institutio
❖ List of teachers, students, and non-teaching staff on decision-making bodies of the institution with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
Metric 6.1.2
❖ Relevant documents to indicate decentralization and participative management
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.1.3
❖ Reports indicating the efforts made by the institution toward the maintenance of transparency
❖ Any other relevant information
6.2. Strategy Development and Deployment
Metric 6.2.1
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
Metric 6.2.2
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.2.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Screenshots of user interfaces of each modul
❖ Geo-tagged photographs
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.2.4
❖ doc link
❖ Action taken report
❖ Minutes of the meeting with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
6.3. Faculty Empowerment Strategies
Metric 6.3.1
❖ List of welfare measures provided by the institution with seal and signature of the Principal
❖ List of beneficiaries of welfare
Metric 6.3.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Institutional Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
❖ E-copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers
❖ Income Expenditure Statement highlighting the financial support to teachers
Metric 6.3.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Brochures / Reports along with Photographs with date and caption
❖ List of participants of each programme
Metric 6.3.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Copy of Course Completion Certificates
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.3.5
❖ Proforma used for performance appraisal for teaching and non-teaching staff with seal and signature of the principal performance
❖ Appraisal Report of any three teaching and three non-teaching staff with seal and signature of the Principal
6.4. Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
Metric 6.4.1
❖ Report of Auditors of last five years signed by the Principal.
Metric 6.4.2
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Income Expenditure statements highlighting the relevant items with seal and signature of both the Chartered Accountant/ Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.4.3
❖ Documentary evidence regarding mobilization and utilization of funds with seal and signature of the Principal
6.5. Internal Quality Assurance System
Metric 6.5.1
❖ List of activities responsible for ensuring quality culture in the Institution with seal and signature of the principal
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.5.2
❖ Appropriate documents to show the visible improvement/s in the Teaching-Learning Process with the seal and signature of the Principal
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 6.5.3
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Report of the work done by IQAC or other quality mechanisms
❖ Any other relevant information
❖ List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQAC / other quality mechanisms signed by the Principal
Metric 6.5.4
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Consolidated Report of Academic Administrative Audit (AAA)
Metric 6.5.5
Relevant documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Criteria VII – Institutional Values and Best Practices
7.1. Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
Metric 7.1.1
❖ Institution’s energy policy document
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.2
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.3
❖ Documentary evidence in support of each selected response
❖ Income Expenditure Statement highlighting the specific components
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.4
❖ Income Expenditure Statement highlighting the specific components
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.5
❖ Documents and/or photographs in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.6
❖ Videos/ Geotagged photographs related to Green Practices adopted by the institution
❖ Circulars and relevant policy papers for the claims made
❖ Snapshots and documents related to exclusive software packages used for paperless office
❖ Income Expenditure Statement highlighting the specific components
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.7
❖ Data as per Data Template
❖ Income Expenditure statement on green initiatives, energy and waste management
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.8
❖ Documentary evidence in support of the claim
❖ Any other relevant information
Metric 7.1.9
❖ Copy of the Code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators, and other staff of the Institution
❖ Reports/minutes of the periodic programmes to appraise adherence to the Code of Conduct
❖ Details of the Monitoring Committee, Professional ethics programmes
❖ Any other relevant information
7.2. Best Practices
Metric 7.2.1
❖ Photos related to two best practices of the Institution Photos related to two best practices of the Institution
❖ Any other relevant information
7.3. Institutional Distinctiveness
Metric 7.3.1
❖ Photo and /or video of institutional performance related to the one area of its distinctiveness
❖ Any other relevant information
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